Pavel Durov’s legal battle with French prosecutors took the Telegram founder by surprise. But some of its avid users have ...
Messaging platform Telegram is making some new concessions around safety and user privacy after the arrest of its founder and ...
The messaging app Telegram has said it will hand over users' IP addresses and phone numbers to authorities who have search ...
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, facing charges in France, has agreed to provide user data, including “IP addresses and phone ...
Telegram founder and chief executive Pavel Durov said Monday that the messaging platform had removed more "problematic ...
To crack down on criminal activity on Telegram, the messaging provider says it can now disclose the data to law enforcement ...
Messaging app Telegram will provide users’ IP addresses and phone numbers to relevant authorities in response to valid legal ...
In a post on Telegram, Durov says the company is making these changes to “deter criminals from abusing” the app’s search ...
The Ukrainian government has banned the use of the Telegram messaging app on state and military mobile phones in a bid to ...
Telegram is heavily used in both Ukraine and Russia and has become a critical source of information since the Russian ...
Ukraine has banned government officials, military personnel and other defense and critical infrastructure workers from ...
Pavel Durov announced on Monday that Telegram changed its terms of service in order to deter criminals from using the service ...