Rice harvest made good progress in Arkansas in the last week. USDA says the crop is 75% harvested, ahead of last year and the ...
A central Kansas farmer says ongoing drought has had a significant impact on corn harvest. Brian Sieker tells Brownfield… ...
Corn and soybean harvest has advanced in Indiana. According to the USDA’s weekly crop progress report, 12% of corn is ...
Michigan crops continue to develop ahead of last year and the five-year average. Pioneer forage specialist Dann Bollinger ...
Corn and soybean harvest and tobacco cutting were the primary activities last week for farmers in Kentucky. The USDA says dry ...
The Renewable Fuels Association is concerned some biofuel tax credits could be eliminated depending on the outcome of the ...
A farmer in west-central Minnesota expects soybean harvest to accelerate this week. Gary Wertish says the crop is turning ...
Missouri farmers are making good harvest progress with a warmer and drier than usual September. USDA says corn is 38% ...
A western Wisconsin farmer is expecting yields that are above his production history, but nothing to brag about. Tom Gillis ...
U.S. egg production dipped in August. The USDA says 9.077 billion eggs were produced in the U.S. last month, a decline of 3% ...
A group of around 35 U.S. farmers recently took their opposition of the EATS Act to Capitol Hill. Illinois farmer Dave Bishop ...
The CEO of AgriNovus Indiana says now is the time for the industry to focus on advancing productivity. Mitch Frazier says ...