Otoritas militer Korea Selatan dan Amerika Serikat menggelar Dialog Pertahanan Terpadu Korea-AS (KIDD) ke-25 di Seoul yang menghadirkan Direktur Senior Urusan Kebijakan ...
Anchor: President Yoon Suk Yeol has dismissed a recent call for a two-nation solution on the Korean Peninsula, calling the idea “unconstitutional.”Kim Bum-soo reports.Report: ...
The government has met with automobile industry players to discuss a proposed U.S. ban on the sale of connected vehicles with autonomous driving and communications functions ...
Sehubungan dengan eskalasi risiko perang antara Israel dan Hizbullah di Lebanon, Wakil Pertama Menteri Luar Negeri Korea Selatan, Kim Hong-kyun​ menyatakan bahwa pemerintah ...
Rival parties on the National Assembly's Culture, Sports and Tourism Committee uniformly chastised the Korea Football Association(KFA) over alleged irregularities ...
South Korea's public account deficit contracted by more than 12 trillion won, or around nine billion U.S. dollars, to some 46 trillion won in 2023 from a year earlier.According ...
Prosecutors indicted the head of the battery manufacturer Aricell and his son, an executive at the company, over a fire that killed 23 people and injured at least eight others ...
The government and the ruling People Power Party have agreed to introduce legislation to support young people facing difficulties in education, employment and other areas ...
In a move to stabilize the price of napa cabbage, which has seen its prices soar due to heat waves and droughts, the government has decided to import them from China directly.The ...
Pemerintah Korea Selatan membahas langkah lanjutan sehubungan dengan pengumuman pemerintah Amerika Serikat untuk melarang penjualan mobil yang menggunakan peranti lunak ...
Pemerintah dan partai berkuasa sepakat untuk meningkatkan anggaran terkait pencarian kerja kalangan muda hingga 16%, dan membentuk pencarian orang yang tidak bekerja dalam ...
President Yoon Suk Yeol is pursuing a new regulation to allow local governments to divert funds allotted for the management of natural disasters and use them for emergency health ...