It's a new dance season for the Abby Lee Dance Company and Abby drops a bombshell, she will be holding open call auditions across the country searching for new dancers...and nobody's place on the team ...
After almost losing his load, Roy's forced to ask Jennifer for help, but gets more than he bargained for when her "favor" turns into etiquette lessons. Marc's on the sidelines with big rig repairs ...
Tank is following leads that go cold. A man tries to negotiate a woman's release and reveals that she only has 6 months to live. Bounty Tank looks for a fugitive in his girlfriend's home who appears ...
A bold escape attempt backfires on a female fugitive. Tank comes up empty handed after searching a fugitive’s potential hide out spot. Tank and the crew head out for another cold Ohio night on the ...
A CERT raid diverts the inmates' attention away from Charlie; Jenn finally makes progress bonding with the women in her pod; Jackie meets a local "Bonnie and Clyde" but Richie almost blows her cover.
Jackie's nerves are rattled after a shooting in her trailer park. A fire breaks out in Charlie's pod. Jenn weighs sacrificing her mission for another inmate.
Charlie comes face-to-face with a loaded needle during his initiation with the other inmates; Jenn learns how some of her cellmates smuggle drugs into jail; Jackie discovers a hot spot for cartel ...
An unprecedented new program expands on the mission of 60 Days In beyond jail walls, sending undercover participants into the heart of the drug epidemic to expose how far the drug cartels have ...
Miami homicide detective Mayree Morin and her team, who find a man who's been shot assassination-style at least a dozen times, must move fast to find the killer before he slips away.
In Philadelphia, Detectives don't have much time to find a murder suspect, and they don't have much to go on--the victim's body was burned beyond recognition. Also, Detective Kelhower and his team ...
In Kansas City, two veteran detectives tackle a mysterious cases of a young woman brutally murdered in a snowy cul-de-sac, and the murder of a man shot and dumped in a bucolic park.
When a couple is found shot to death, Kansas City investigators track down two suspects and must convince one of them to give up the other--his own father; and detectives must rely on inhabitants of a ...