In the aftermath of Typhoon Yagi, communities in northern Thailand’s Chiang Rai province are taking stock of the toll wreaked ...
Across Africa, numerous ecosystems are under pressures degrading their ecological, economic and cultural value. The Niger ...
A mining company trying to launch a controversial phosphate project in Mexican waters has won a lawsuit against the country ...
The first ever pulse check of the planet’s health shows that the Earth is far beyond it’s safe operating space for humanity.
The pilot flew over squares of clear-cuts and tree plantations, then rolled the helicopter around Hudson Bay Mountain in ...
Michael Harvey recalls the moment he first saw a flock of yellow-crested helmetshrikes flitting through a cloud forest in the ...
The Indian leopard (Panthera pardus fusca), locally known as chitah bagh in Bangladesh, is mostly found in the northern and ...
A recent Supreme Court verdict extending no-construction zones along the banks of major rivers in the Kathmandu Valley has ...
Brazil’s National Department of Transportation Infrastructure (DNIT) submitted to the Federal Regional Court of the 1st ...
Permits granted for the construction of an industrial mining project in northern Colombia are raising concerns among ...
At least 621 people have been killed and thousands more displaced by floods around Lake Chad, which sits at the border region ...
After years of delays, the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (AfCHPR) will soon meet for the first time to discuss ...