PPP/C government’s promises THE significance of the upcoming year for the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) ...
SIXTY-two residents from Region Five on Tuesday received Steel and Cement Housing Subsidy vouchers, each valued at $225,000, aimed at assisting them in the ...
Strategically located in Eccles, East Bank Demerara, the complex features three entry points accessible from major roadways, including the Demerara Harbour ...
In addition, Jagdeo addressed the misuse of contingency sums set aside for projects, stressing that these resources are subject to approval and are not for ...
The review process was successfully negotiated through a collaborative effort with the World Bank, emphasising the global commitment to improving educational ...
SEVERAL residents and employees of the Rose Hall Sugar Estate, in a recent edition of ‘Developmental Impact’, applauded the ...
To holistically address this pressing concern, the Government of Guyana has recently constructed a bypass road through Grove-Diamond to connect with Heroes ...
A $130 million water well is being drilled at La Bonne Intention (LBI) new housing development on the East Coast of Demerara, to supply adequate water to the ...
According to the Ministry of Labour, the infrastructural works, which commenced in 2023, will culminate in the establishment of a state-of-the-art Information ...
MINISTER of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation, Hugh Todd, recently met with the Jurgen Stock, Secretary-General of INTERPOL on the sidelines of ...
Also speaking at the event was Akesh Gangaram, Human Resources Manager of the Guyana Marriott Hotel, who highlighted Marriott’s dedication to global ...
IF the possibility exists for the PPP to lose its majority in future election contests, it will definitely not be in 2025. The national trauma that ...