On this website are nearly 100 bibliographies. They deal with various important issues, and are largely based on ...
Christians can have just as much trouble as non-Christians in getting their priorities right. We tend to ignore ...
I have not written thus far on the latest sad case of a Christian leader and his very public fall, partly because I likely would not say much of anything different from past articles that I penned ...
Sometimes we need to accept ourselves as God made us: One truth that cannot be denied is that God has made us all different. No… ...
On knowing God and self: I make no claim to being a paragon of Christian virtues, including the virtue of humility. So as usual, I am writing a piece like this as much for myself as for anyone else.
Clarity on what theonomists actually believe: The Christian position known as Theonomy or Christian Reconstruction has numerous defenders and critics. There are plenty of books… ...
The Olympics and gullible Christians: A recent article on the demonic sacrilege at Paris had this title: “The Paris Olympics’ Opening Ceremony Perfectly Captures the… ...
And for good reason: A major point of a digital ID, as many have rightly pointed out, is not to identify yourself, but to ...
We must resist the government censorship bill: Most of you have heard about the Australian government misinformation bill that is being pushed by Albanese and Co. As with bits of most government ...