During a trip to Luxembourg and Belgium, Francis will talk to 15 people who were abused by Roman Catholic clergy.
Pope Francis was pressed firmly by Belgium's king and premier on Friday for more concrete action to address sexual abuse by ...
Pope Francis has pledged to root out the “scourge” of clerical sexual abuse after Belgium’s prime minster urged him in ...
RNS is an independent, nonprofit, and award-winning source of global news on religion, spirituality, and culture. Founded in ...
Speaking before approximately 300 dignitaries, the pope remarked that child abuse is “a scourge that the Church is tackling ...
The pope addressed academics at KU Leuven, a Belgian Catholic research university, on Friday afternoon to mark the 600th ...
On September 26, Pope Francis began a four-day visit to the heart of Europe. In Luxembourg, the country with the highest GDP ...
Prime Minister Alexander De Croo's blistering welcome speech at the start of Francis's visit was one of the most pointed ever ...
Pope Francis met with university professors in Brussels Friday, telling them an institute of higher education must be ...
‘This is our shame and humiliation’, Pope says in improvised response Pope Francis arrives at Melsbroek Military Air Base for ...
LUXEMBOURG — Pope Francis called on leaders in Luxembourg — a small nation with a thriving economy and the highest density of millionaires per capita in the world — to devote resources to help improve ...
On a brief day stop in Luxembourg Thursday, Pope Francis appealed for peace and the integration of migrants as Europe ...