I worry we overstated danger of Covid at start of pandemic
Writing about Chief Medical Officer Sir Chris Whitty in his Pandemic Diaries, the former Health Secretary noted that the ...
He said he agreed with the recent landmark Darzi report that found the NHS was left vulnerable to the pandemic following a ...
Professor Sir Chris Whitty has said during the dark days of the Covid pandemic gripping the nation some people may argue ...
Critics of lockdowns have pointed to the numbers of people who died from non-Covid conditions during the pandemic.
England's chief medical officer Sir Chris Whitty told Covid-19 Inquiry of the impact of 'political choice' after another ...
Professor Sir Chris Whitty has told the Covid-19 probe that there was never going to be 'perfect balance' when it came to stay at home messaging during the pandemic.
Public hearings for the inquiry are currently exploring the impact of the crisis on healthcare systems in the UK.