峇里島(Bali)擁有綿延海灘、豐富海洋生物性及衝浪熱點,是知名觀光勝地,卻也同樣飽受過度觀光所苦。為了讓這「眾神之島」(island of gods)有喘息之機,印尼政府擬祭出禁令,暫停商業開發案。
Summit Planners believe that Will Planning is applicable to every individual, regardless of their current life stages. A Will plays a vital role in ensuring that your estate meets your intended ...
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has reportedly talked with United Arab Emirates (UAE ...
美國前總統兼共和黨總統候選人川普(Donald Trump)於22日釋出的訪談中表示,如果在11月5日的大選中敗陣下來的話,將不會再次角逐美國總統大位。 據 路透社 報導,78歲的川普在記者艾特基森(Sharyl ...
"Fiber-in Copper-out": For home network scenarios, Huawei launched a new Wi-Fi 7 ONT — Huawei OptiXstar EN8145 — to help ISPs upgrade its service package from 100Mbps to 1000Mbps level, providing ...
華為聯合上海理工大學共同發布智慧校園全球樣板點,為中國乃至全球的智慧校園建設提供先進理念和實踐范例。為打造「全數字化智能大學」,上海理工大學堅持「數據 + ...
CNN 和 紐約時報 報導,FluMist為生物製藥公司-阿斯特捷利康(AZ)所生產的鼻噴劑,2003年已獲得美國FDA批准使用於5至49歲,2007年起,批准用於2歲以下幼童。該鼻噴劑含有弱化的活流感病毒,是美國唯一一款無針接種的鼻噴劑型流感疫苗。
[1] Everpure is a subsidiary acquired by Pentair in 2004, according to Pentair Completes Acquisition of Everpure, Inc.
上海2024年9月23日 /美通社/ -- 領先的創新智能網聯汽車 (ICV)技術提供商銀基及其智能連接系統 (ICS)和汽車數字鑰匙已入選Gartner《車隊遠程信息處理市場指南》 (Market Guide for Fleet ...
KEELUNG, TAIWAN - Newswire - 23 September 2024 - The Keelung City Culture and Tourism Bureau has announced its participation ...
Glossary with DeepL Pro also offers enhanced data security, including proprietary data centers, the highest level of certification and compliance standards (ISO 27001 certification, GDPR/SOC 2 type 2 ...