"I want to assure you that I am genuinely content to receive from God whatever He deems fit for me even if it is from His left hand because better something from His left hand than no hand at all, ...
A Christian man has been sentenced to death in Pakistan a decade after he was charged with blasphemy. Zafar Bhatti, 58, was accused of sending blasphemous text messages from his phone. He has always ...
Australia is traditionally conservative when it comes to matters of the Constitution and for good reason. It is a remarkable document that has provided foundation for stable government since ...
It’s half way through 2023, why would Satan care if you go to church? If that’s the extent of your relationship with your creator he’s got nothing to be concerned about. A quick glance at the current ...
(CP) Australia's 2021 Census reveals that the percentage of people identifying as Christian has dipped below 50% for the first time, a drop of 17 percentage points over the last 10 years. At the same ...
Did Jesus love the adulteress and the prostitute? Absolutely. There are two remarkable stories showing how Jesus cared for all types of people. The religious folks called the Pharisees in the time of ...
Tronson du Coudray work 'Satellite' Brilliant people in all walks of life can inspire us, showing us the way to improve our own performance. It is natural that we want to try to elucidate how their ...
Who would have thought controversy surrounds the 'Great Southland of the Holy Spirit'? Four hundred years ago sailors and explorers were the heroic adventurers of their day. Religion, rewards and ...
Let's look at a factious example from 500 years ago and link it in with trends today. Meet Barry from the 1500's. Barry is a potato farmer living around 100 km from London. Barry's farm has been in ...
In a recent News.com article on a new milestone on longevity of living, an Ethiopian man claims he is 160 years old, and it raised the question as to who he might actually know – all his mates and ...
National nutritionists and dieting experts have joined forces to stand together in support of a list of the five diets that Australians should avoid this year. Originally produced by the British ...
A recent article in the Sydney Morning Herald by Antony Lawes explains that those who make sea change relocations can get a real bargain along the length of Australia's east coast, but don't expect a ...