Europe should create an AI-powered infrastructure for trustworthy information and translation, fostering a unified ...
We are what we eat: a blend of tastes, recipes, cultures and habits. The kebab, a beloved, consumed, opposed, and now ...
Can European countries negotiate with the Taliban, override European law, or fire live ammunition at people crossing their ...
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The impact of the Olympic Games in Southeastern Europe has been striking, despite the French’s initial low enthusiasm and the weak demand for expensive tickets pointed out by Karina Dyakova in the ...
The future of the European economy will be characterised by labour shortages and an ageing population. More effective integration of migrants into the economies of host countries could be the answer.
The Ukrainian army had seemed helpless in the face of Russia's advance, and especially so in the Donbass, where Moscow was concentrating its offensive. Then the unimaginable happened: on 6 August, ...
La tempesta Boris, che a metà settembre ha attraversato l'Europa centrale e orientale con precipitazioni eccezionali, ha ...
Sturm Boris hat 24 Todesopfer gefordert. Zehntausende Menschen in Polen, Rumänien, Österreich, der Slowakei, der ...
La tempête Boris, qui a balayé l’Europe centrale et orientale avec des précipitations exceptionnelles, a provoqué 24 morts et ...