中央氣象署指出,今天(23)白天仍受低壓帶影響,雨勢較昨天有稍緩的跡象,但仍須留意短延時強降雨,西半部、東北部及澎湖、金門、馬祖仍會不定時出現的短暫陣雨跟雷雨,其他地區逐漸恢復到多雲,午後有局部短暫雷陣雨的天氣。氣象署提醒,其中桃園以北、宜花地區有局 ...
矽光子概念股成為近期市場焦點,今(23)日截至上午10時30分聯鈞(3450)強漲8%,華星光(4979)也有約5%漲幅。但專家指出,這僅是題材面漲勢,以目前來看,矽光子獲利能力有限,不建議穩健型投資人參與矽光子概念股,若是短線操作,就得憑「藝高人膽 ...
McLaren's Lando Norris wins F1 Grand Prix, Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin donating $20 million to American School, and ...
MoneyDJ新聞 2024-09-23 07:28:01 記者 黃智勤 報導鑒於中國市場持續疲軟,德國汽車巨頭賓士(Mercedes-Benz)下修對全年利潤的預測,為短短兩個月內第二度下修財測,股價聞訊重挫6.8%,也拖累歐洲汽車類股走跌。 路透 ...
首先是四年前連任失敗的前總統川普回鍋挑戰大位,成功通過共和黨初選而成為美國二十世紀以來第一位連續競選三次的總統候選人,而78歲的他與82歲拜登的競選也是美國政治史史上最高齡的對戰組合。兩者間年紀較輕的川普的年齡甚至比24年前卸任的柯林頓以及16年前卸 ...
Christie, who helped prep Trump for the debates in 2020, said the former president’s polling is why he will eventually agree, ...
The tropics remain active as we progress through September as the National Hurricane Center (NHC) is watching two areas for ...
Robert Hernandez, 38, a Cal Fire fire apparatus engineer, was arrested and charged with six felonies, including arson during ...
Only the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus have the new adhesive, and they’ve earned a 7/10 on iFixit’s repairability scale.
A great white shark paid San Luis Obispo County whale watchers an unexpectedly jaw-some visit this weekend. On Saturday, boat ...
Luis Armando Albino was 6 years old in 1951 when he was abducted while playing at an Oakland, California park. Now, more than seven decades later, Albino has been found thanks to help from an online ...