A new study provides important insight into how amyloid-beta and tau proteins impact brain activity and possibly contribute to cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease.
Birds of a feather flock together but strong pairing in geese has been shown to produce better breeding results, according to a new study. Focusing on a group of captive greylag geese, bird behaviour ...
Scientists quantify energetic costs of the migratory lifestyle in a free flying songbird Physiological measurements disprove the common theory that migration leads to ...
Climate change and asteroids are linked with animal origin and extinction -- and plate tectonics also seems to play a key evolutionary role, 'groundbreaking' new fossil research reveals.
Ice may look safe for a game of pick-up hockey on the lake, but as a new study out of York University found, looks can be deceiving. Warming winters are not only affecting ice thickness and timing ...
There is a challenge related to prostate and many other cancers that cancer cells form resistance to treatments as the disease progresses. However, these resistance mechanisms are not yet fully ...
Lavas from hotspots - -whether erupting in Hawaii, Samoa or Iceland -- likely originate from a worldwide, uniform reservoir in Earth's mantle, according to an evaluation of volcanic hotspots.
An unexpected involvement of sodium transport in mitochondrial energy generation Study reveals an essential function of sodium transport in cellular energy generation Date: September 19, 2024 ...
A new, wide-ranging exploration of human remains casts doubt on a long-standing theory in archaeology known as the Kurgan hypothesis -- which, among other claims, suggests that humans first ...
Researchers found that patients who underwent the stone-moving ultrasound procedure had a 70% lower risk of such a recurrence. Sometimes all it takes is a little push. That is the conclusion of a ...
Arctic warming may fuel ice formation in clouds Warmer Arctic conditions have the potential to lead to an increase in Arctic natural aerosols that can promote ice crystal formation in clouds Date: ...
Adhesive comes unglued on command Oxidation triggers debonding of mussel-inspired adhesive Date: September 19, 2024 Source: Wiley Summary: Modern integrated microelectronic devices are often ...