Shluchos from across Southern Africa gathered for a groundbreaking event—the region's first-ever overnight Kinus Hashluchos.
A 13 year old boy was assaulted and injured on Sunday afternoon at Lefferts Park in Crown Heights. A 13 year old boy was ...
Women of Valor, Who Can Find Them? Their husbands r”l fell in battle in battle defending Israel. Now they struggle with basic ...
Preschools around the world begin a new school year with strong support from Chabad Early Childhood of the Shluchim Office.
All Crown Heights women are called to come together for an unforgettable evening of prayer in the merit of Eretz Yisroel: The ...
The wedding of Levi Benshimon of Montreal Canada and Shaindy Schmukler of League City, Texas took place at Razag Hall in ...
Volunteer Opportunity! Imagine spending your Rosh Hashanah alone – no family, no shofar, and surrounded by people who don’t ...
A group of community activists, in collaboration with the Vaad Hakohol and Crown Heights Rabbonim, are spearheading the ...
This past Motzoei Shabbos, over 200 English-speaking Bochurim gathered for a Melavah Malka and Chai Elul Farbrengen to start ...
Argentinian President Javier Milei visited the Rebbe's Ohel on Sunday as part of his visit to New York to attend the General ...
Menachem Mendel Bolton, a young boy from Kfar Chabad, Israel, passed away after collapsing last week while at a Bar Mitzvah.
Levi Yitzchok Library, located at 305 Kingston Avenue has updated its opening hours to accommodate after school hours.